Hoda Mehr

Published by John Molson Women in Leadership on

Welcome back to our #PersonalityOfTheMonth! This October, we highlight the hard work and perseverance of entrepreneur and Concordia alumni, Hoda Mehr.

Hoda is the co-founder and CEO of Stock Card, a stock market investing tool. Their goal is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to invest successfully. They do this by providing simplified research and graphics to help assist their customers through the financial terminology of the stock market.

We had the pleasure of interviewing Hoda, who shared with us her entrepreneurial journey. At a young age, Hoda was introduced to the stock market by her father, quickly becoming a passion of hers. A few years ago, while discussing with her friends, she realized that not everyone had the same enthusiasm toward the stock market; many were instead scared, unsure, and intimidated to invest. By starting Stock Card, she wanted to give equal opportunity for everyone to have the ability to invest. Hoda’s start-up is growing and they already have more than 5000 users. However, there is a disparity in gender investing. Hoda shared with us the following:

“When I first started Stock Card, I never assumed 80% of our users will be men. StockCard.io is a cheat sheet for modern, technology-savvy stock market investors from all backgrounds. But women are missing the action. The first day I saw our user data, I couldn’t believe it. Where are all the women? […] We, the women, can do better! We, the women, are better! This one seat at the money table is for us to grab. No one ever told us to give up money and investment decision-making and leave it to our fathers and husbands. We can learn how to invest and grab that seat at the money table.”

As a female entrepreneur, Hoda urges other businesswomen who are starting their careers to have great resilience, know their company’s purpose, and to always stay strong. Thank you Hoda for empowering individuals toward the financial sector and for sharing your entrepreneurial knowledge!

Curious about the stock market, but not sure how to start? Visit Stock Card’s website: https://stockcard.io

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John Molson Women in Leadership

JMWL's vision is to provide JMSB women with the tools and resources to succeed as business leaders while allowing our students to graduate with a better understanding of gender equality.